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INTERNATIONAL DESIGNERS NETWORK opens it's online showroom for textile and garment designers and manufacturers


Social Conscience and Commitment In the spirit of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate responsibility initiative, as well as the International Labor Organization, Euratex instructions and the latest EU Rules have to be respected. The International Designers Network continues to promote ethnic diversity and social economic stability through education and professional information around the globe.

IDN supports programs including the application of child labor legislation protecting children from exploitation, moving them from factories back into schools like which had a great success.

                        That's why we decided to add a new online showroom site


In this hall manufacturers and designers can present their companies in order to connect to customers all over the world with high expenses for travel and transports.

But this does not mean that they should no longer participate in fairs, but they should participate better prepared and with the possibility to make appointments before and around the fairs, as well as direct contacts all over the year.

In this hall producers can present themselves through VIDEOS of their companies and their factories with detailed contact information.

MANDATORY CONTENT TO PROVIDE:  2 VIDEOS 1 video of the workforce, the work environment, 1 video of the products, machines, know how.

DESIGNERS will be able to present their collections around the year to professional buyers by showing either detailed pictures of each crea on or fashion shows or videos.

(Never forget that we live in a two-time world: when summer is in one part, winter is in the other one!)

Attention: this site is not dedicated to end consumers but only for professional buyers. For more detailed information please feel free to contact us anytime.

Claudia Carillon



Tel: + 33 6 52 26 42 60